on holiday 在 Designer Haul (Chanel, LV, Balenciaga, Prada, Saint Laurent, Gucci & Bicester) | Wenwen Stokes 的影片資訊
Hey guys! This video i am sharing a collective designer haul of some of my favourite recent purchase...
Hey guys! This video i am sharing a collective designer haul of some of my favourite recent purchase...
#후지이미나 #고향 #니가타 여러분 제가 쉬는 동안 고향 니가타에 다녀왔어요! 그동안 어떻게 지냈는지 고향 니가타에서 휴가는 어땠는지 보여드릴게요☺️ 皆さん、お休みの間、私は故郷...
A blockbuster song from the early 70's with Japanese titles such as love, sadness, sorrow, romance, ...
✔︎ 成為七七會員(幫助我們繼續日更,並享有會員專屬福利):http://bit.ly/shasha77_member ✔︎ 體驗志祺七七文章版:https://blog.simpleinfo.cc/...
安妞大家🐑🐑 這次趁著周末時間跑到慶州玩!🥳 體驗學生服還有韓服 看美麗風景 大家覺得哪種衣服比較適合我呢? 要留言告訴我嘿嘿 希望大家喜歡這次的影片🥰🥰 現在韓國的高鐵KTX非常快可以從首爾到慶州讚...
安妞大家好🐑🐑 還記得有一次跟大家說明回來韓國 是因為要學一樣東西嗎~ 其實好多人猜對了! 真的厲害 希望大家喜歡這次影片喔 🐏Instagram : https://www.instagram.c...
Hi! I am Keith, a guy from Taiwan. I was a hair dresser and now being Youtuber. - Subscribe now! h...
Hi! I am Keith, a guy from Taiwan. I was a hair dresser and now being Youtuber. - Subscribe now! h...
SIAM is the center of Bangkok. There are several large shopping malls. There are many universities a...
Hi Guys, in this video, we did a staycation during the June hols. Check out what it was like during ...